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Error “acme: Could not determine solvers” when trying to get a LetsEncrpyt cert

I have a domain on a webhost, and a subdomain on Digital Ocean. I'm attempting to register a LetsEncrypt SSL cert using an acme config in the traefik.toml.

email = "myemail@pirion.net"
storage = "acme.json"
entryPoint = "https"
OnHostRule = true

The logs are providing the following error:

time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=debug msg="LoadCertificateForDomains [endpoint.pirion.net]..." 
time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=debug msg="Look for provided certificate to validate [endpoint.pirion.net]..." 
time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=debug msg="No provided certificate found for domains [endpoint.pirion.net], get ACME certificate." 
time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=debug msg="Loading ACME certificates [endpoint.pirion.net]..." 
time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=error msg="map[endpoint.pirion.net:[endpoint.pirion.net] acme: Could not determine solvers]" 
time="2018-01-12T03:25:37Z" level=error msg="Error getting ACME certificates [endpoint.pirion.net] : Cannot obtain certificates map[endpoint.pirion.net:[endpoint.pirion.net] acme: Could not determine solvers]+v" 

I'm unable to find much about what the solvers are. Is there something I need to add to my setup?

It appears that to fix this error, you need to specify that you are using http challenge :

# ...
entryPoint = "https"
  entryPoint = "http"

As of the moment of writing this was fixed fairly recently , so you might need a fresher version (1.5) of traefik, than you are using now.

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