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Fragments with different themes

I'm having a bad struggle in trying to change the theme of my Android Activity in runtime.

This is what I'm trying to archieve: I have an activity (MainActivity) which contains three fragments. Two of those fragments should have a toolbar and a normal status bar, but the third one shouldn't have a toolbar and should have a transparent status bar with content behind it. So, I created two styles: the normal AppTheme with toolbar etc and another one called Fullscreen without those. Now, the theme should change when the fragments are being switched.

I have tried to just change the theme after inflating a new fragment, but that didn't work (obviously).

I also saw this question and a few others and they almost all contain the same answer which doesn't work for me.

I really hope one of you could help!


Well you can modify Activity theme and then recreate it to see its effect

class YourActivity{
boolean isThirdFragmentVisible;
public void onNavigateToThirdFragment(){
   setTheme(<full screen theme>);
   isThirdFragmentVisible = true;

public void onCreate(){

Any fragment has access to the attached activity. So, fragments can set any activity property, like toolbar and status bar.


Status bar:

  • In onViewCreated callback you can set this mode to not show the status bar:

  • To show the status bar in the other fragments, you can set it in the same way:



In the same way, the toolbar can be set by any fragment using setSupportActionBar activity method. More information > https://developer.android.com/training/appbar/setting-up.html#add-toolbar

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