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Uploading multiple images php, mysql

I would like to upload an item, accompanied with multiple images of the item which should be stored in a mysql database and a folder "uploads" as well. The code for inserting the item works well but the code for uploading the image does not execute. I have 2 tables images and properties with a one to many relationship.

    // removes backslashes
$title = stripslashes($_REQUEST['title']);
$title = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$title); 

$area = stripslashes($_REQUEST['area']);
$area = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$area);

$price = stripslashes($_REQUEST['price']);
$price = mysqli_real_escape_string($connection,$price);

    $query = "INSERT into `properties` (propertyTitle, propertyArea, propertyPrice)
    VALUES ('$title', '$area', '$price')";
    $result = mysqli_query($connection,$query) or die(mysqli_error($connection));
    $prpId= mysqli_insert_id($connection);
        echo "Property registered successfully";

         $targetFolder = "uploads";
        //the code below is not executed by the server. Reasons for which i have no clue
    foreach($_FILES as $file => $fileArray)

        if(!empty($fileArray['name']) && $fileArray['error'] == 0)
            $getFileExtension = pathinfo($fileArray['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);;

            if(($getFileExtension =='jpg') || ($getFileExtension =='jpeg') || ($getFileExtension =='png') || ($getFileExtension =='gif'))
                if ($fileArray["size"] <= 5000000) 
                    $breakImgName = explode(".",$fileArray['name']);
                    $imageOldNameWithOutExt = $breakImgName[0];
                    $imageOldExt = $breakImgName[1];

                    $newFileName = strtotime("now")."-".str_replace(" ","-",strtolower($imageOldNameWithOutExt)).".".$imageOldExt;

                    $targetPath = $targetFolder."/".$newFileName;

                    if (move_uploaded_file($fileArray["tmp_name"], $targetPath)) 
                        $qry = "INSERT INTO images (image, propertyId)
                        VALUES ('".$newFileName."', '".$prpId."')";                        
                        $rs  = mysqli_query($connection, $qry); 


I added


to the form and it worked.

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