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Laravel password broker facade

How can I match user with token using a password broker facade in Laravel 5.5?

I am sending a mail to user by generating a token:


This automatically fills the password_resets table in DB with user email and with token value which looks like it is hashed.

The callback URL for user is password-reset/{token} and now I want to check whether token is valid by checking if it exists in the DB and if user connected to it even triggered a password reset.

$tokenValid = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', $input['token'])->first();

This however does not work as the token from the input is not hashed in any way. I tried this also

$tokenValid = DB::table('password_resets')->where('token', bcrypt($input['token']))->first();

But the hashed value comes out incorrectly.

Does someone know how to match it with DB value?

I found the answer. Two hashes, even though different, may match. Doing a bcrypt() function twice on the same string will not produce the same hash, so there is a helper method to check if the hashes match:

Hash::check($input['token'], $token->token)

you can insert the unhashed token into (password_resets) database table like this:-

public function forgotpassword_post(){
        Mail::to($admin->email)->send(new AdminResetPassword(['data'=>$admin,'token'=>$token]));
        return back();
 return back();


you can check for token validation like this :-

public function reset_password($token){

 $check_token= DB::table('password_resets')->where('token',$token)->where('created_at','>',Carbon::now()->subHours(2))->first();
  return view('admin.reset_password',['data'=>$check_token]);
     return redirect('/admin/forgorpassword');


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