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What is the most logical way to export React components?

When writing React components in ES6, I sometimes wonder what the most logical way would be to export a component. I have found three ways to do so, and I mostly employ the first one:

export default class

export default class extends Component {
    render() {

Seems to the most straightforward way. The only downside I can see is that the component is not explicitly named in the file except for the filename.

export default class ComponentName

export default class ComponentName extends Component {
    render() {

Seems to be practically the same as above, apart from the class being named explicitly. Side question: Is there a difference between the two above when importing the component?

class with separate export

class ComponentName extends Component {
    render() {

export default ComponentName

I think this also is programmatically identical to the other two examples, but I'm unsure.

Does employing one of these three examples have a notable benefit over the others?

You should pick the third option since it's cleaner to wrap your component. Example:

class ComponentName extends Component {
    render() {

export default connect(null)(ComponentName);

export default class

export default class extends Component { ... }

Problems with this:

  • You won't be able to refer to the class from within the class - so won't be able to access its static properties

  • You also won't be able to define static properties on this class from outside of it which is often what you want to do with defaultProps and propTypes

  • In case something within the class errors it will be harder to debug because the class is unnamed so it won't show up in the stack traces

export default class ComponentName

export default class ComponentName extends Component { ... }

( Benefits of this: You avoid all of the above problems and it's short and concise. )

Problems with this:

  • If you want to wrap your component in a Higher Order Function such as with Redux's connect it can make the class signature really long making it hard to read

class with separate export

class ComponentName extends Component { ... }

export default ComponentName

Benefits of this:

  • You avoid all of the above problems

我使用带有单独导出的类,因为它对我来说感觉更干净,特别是当你需要使用redux connect,material-ui样式和许多库包装你的组件时。

These export methods do pretty much the same thing all around. I personally think it comes down to consistency (you want to use the same method throughout your app) and I prefer using component names as I can then use things like instanceOf

Also if I am using redux I prefer the last method (separate export statement) to use connect.

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