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MS Word macro — special handling for top of page

I'm trying to write an MS Word macro to drop down one line and type a certain phrase unless the cursor at the very top of the document or following a "hard" page break, in which case it should only type the message. The code goes pretty much like this --

  Selection.TypeText Text:="top of page"  
  Selection.TypeText Text:="not top of page"  
End If

-- but I don't know the specific syntax for testing whether the cursor is at the top of a page. Can anyone fill me in? My software version is MS Word 2003. Thanks.

You could use Selection.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) = 1 .

If Selection.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) = 1 Then
  Selection.TypeText Text:="top of page"  
  Selection.TypeText Text:="not top of page"  
End If

Selection.Information(wdFirstCharacterLineNumber) will return the line number of the current selection within that page. See MSDN .

PS: I have tested this with Word 2010 and I don't have access to previous version. So, give it a try.

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