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How to create re-usable mocks in mocha

Say I want to create use sinon.stub to mock an object:

beforeEach(() => {
    this.someMethod = stub(SomeObject, 'someMethod');

afterEach(() => {

How can I move this code into a re-usable mock file so that I can include it in every test where the SomeObject needs to be mocked?

I ended up creating hooks to pass into my functions:

// SomeObjectMock

export function beforeEachHook(SomeObject) {
   return function() {
      this.someMethod = stub(SomeObject, 'someMethod');

export function afterEachHook() {
    return function() {

Then in my test file:

import {afterEachHook, beforeEachHook} from './SomeObjectMock';

describe('myTest', () => {

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