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Laravel/Lumen Sentinel setup

How can I set up a Sentinel on Lumen? At first, I got

Class 'Sentinel' not found

then I registered Sentinel and created an alias as follows:

class_alias(Cartalyst\Sentinel\Laravel\Facades\Sentinel::class, 'Sentinel');

but I got

Class session.store does not exist

then I also registered session like so:

class_alias(Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session::class, 'Session');

then I got:

Missing argument 1 for Illuminate\\Support\\Manager::createDriver(), called in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/projects/gexd/zeno-new/mobile/vendor/illuminate/support/Manager.php on line 88 and defined.

After running composer require cartalyst/sentinel "2.0.*" , register it in config/app.php .

In providers use:


And in alias section use : 'Activation' => Cartalyst\\Sentinel\\Laravel\\Facades\\Activation::class, 'Reminder' => Cartalyst\\Sentinel\\Laravel\\Facades\\Reminder::class, 'Sentinel' => Cartalyst\\Sentinel\\Laravel\\Facades\\Sentinel::class,

You can see more sentinel . If covered these steps. Then maybe you forgot to use use Sentinel; at the top of your controller.

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