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Insert template element into slot element

I've built a custom element with a few named slots, something like this:

        <slot name="header"></slot>
    <slot name="body"></slot>
        <slot name="footer"></slot>

And I use it like this:

    <div slot="header">
    <div slot="body">
        <h2>Body content</h2>
        <p>Body content</p>
        <p>Body content</p>
    <div slot="footer">
        <p>Copyright 2018</p>

However, as you can see this results in my DOM looking like header > div > content , footer > div > content etc.

I figured I could use a template element instead of a div in order to get rid of the unnecessary (and sometimes style breaking) div , unfortunately this does not seem to work:

    <template slot="header">
    <template slot="body">
        <h2>Body content</h2>
        <p>Body content</p>
        <p>Body content</p>
    <template slot="footer">
        <p>Copyright 2018</p>

Is there a way to send multiple elements into a slot without wrapping them first?

Ok so turns out you can simply use the slot attribute on multiple elements instead;

    <h1 slot="header">Title</h1>
    <p slot="header">Description</p>
    <h2 slot="body">Body content</h2>
    <p slot="body">Body content</p>
    <p slot="body">Body content</p>
    <p slot="footer">Copyright 2018</p>
    <ul slot="footer">

This is pretty unreadable and cumbersome though. And it just doesn't feel like good code. Being able to use a template[slot] would be much better imo.

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