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addEventListener click is not working and not effecting the elements

This is my code:

 let navi = document.createElement("nav"); let navItems = { home:"/", my_profile:"/me" }; let btnClasses = ["bttn-minimal","bttn-md","bttn-primary"]; const redirector = ()=>{ window.history.pushState(null,null,this.getAttribute("data-to")); }; for(let i in navItems){ let navItem = document.createElement("button"); for(let c=0;c<btnClasses.length;c++){ navItem.classList.add(btnClasses[c]); } navItem.innerHTML = i.toUpperCase().replace(/_/g," "); navItem.setAttribute("data-to",navItems[i]); navItem.classList.add("navi-item"); navItem.addEventListener("click",redirector); navi.appendChild(navItem); } document.getElementById("navi").appendChild(navi); 

The navItem.addEventListener("click",redirector); is not working. The script tag is at the end of the body tag. I also tried using

 navItem.onclick = redirector; 

and it's the same. Not only it's not working i can't see the event listener in the chrome dev tools. Please help.

I tried using a regular function but it's same. Two reasons:

  1. I'm using babel so what the browser gets is a regular function.
  2. I'm not even getting an error, the browser simply ignores it.

Also, i'm calling that code from a Browserify local require.

Your problem is that you use an Arrow function as the event handler.

Arrow functions do not have their own this object; instead, they use the this of the scope around them.

If you need this in the event handler, use a regular function instead of an arrow function.

const redirector = function () {

Your event listener works just fine:

 let navi = document.createElement("nav"); let navItems = { home:"/", my_profile:"/me" }; let btnClasses = ["bttn-minimal","bttn-md","bttn-primary"]; const redirector = ()=>{ alert('click!'); //window.history.pushState(null,null,this.getAttribute("data-to")); }; for(let i in navItems){ let navItem = document.createElement("button"); for(let c=0;c<btnClasses.length;c++){ navItem.classList.add(btnClasses[c]); } navItem.innerHTML = i.toUpperCase().replace(/_/g," "); navItem.setAttribute("data-to",navItems[i]); navItem.classList.add("navi-item"); navItem.addEventListener("click",redirector); navi.appendChild(navItem); } document.getElementById("navi").appendChild(navi); 
 <div id="navi"></div> 

But as Xufox and PeterMader mentioned this did not refer to the clicked button...

You might workaround this way:

const redirector = e => {
  window.history.pushState(null, null, e.target.getAttribute("data-to"));

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