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Angular 2 Input binding vs string change detection

Let's say I have the following component:

class TestComponent {
  @Input() title;

Is there a difference regarding change detection between using it with brackets and without brackets?

<test [title]="title"></test>
<test [title]="'Component Title'"></test>  
<test title="Component Title"></test> 

To be more accurate, the static version, will be checked with every change detection, too?

Since you declared @Input Angular will create bindings for all of them. It will add it to updateDirectives function that is called during change detection cycle.

So the following

<test [title]="title"></test>
<test [title]="'Title2'"></test>
<test title="Title3"></test>

will be presented as:

updateDirective(_ck, v) {
  var _co = _v.component;
  var currVal_1 = _co.title;
  var currVal_2 = 'Title2';
  var currVal_3 = 'Title3';

Live Example


The main difference here is that angular read @Input binding and also create attribute for title="Title3" case. If you don't declare @Input then only attribute will be created.

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