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npm version update to specific version

I want to update my local version, so I run npm version patch. this will update versions like this: - 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3

I want to set specific version like 1.0.x , you have idea how to do that ?


I could not find a way to use

npm version patch <my version>

Disappointing npm version does not take an extra argument.

Instead I had to scrap the current version, split it, and update the patch myself before passing the result to npm version.

My Jenkinsfile uses something like

pipeline {
    agent none
    options {
        timestamps ()
    stages {
        stage("Promote?") {
            when {
                branch 'master'
            input {
                message "Create Installers?"
            agent {
                label 'mac'
            steps {
        stage("Installers") {
            parallel {
                stage("OSx") {
                    agent {
                        label 'mac'
                    steps {
                        sh "npm version ${newVersion} --no-git-tag-version"
                stage("Windows") {
                    agent {
                        label 'win'
                    steps {
                        bat "npm version ${newVersion} --no-git-tag-version"

// Store the version for use when creating the installers
def newVersion;

def obtainVersion() {
    println "Obtaining the build version"
    def version = sh script:"node -p \"require('./package.json').version\"", returnStdout: true
    println "version in repo is ${version}"
    def versionParts = version.tokenize( '.' )
    newVersion = "${versionParts[0]}.${versionParts[1]}.${currentBuild.number}"
    println "new version for build is ${newVersion}"
npm version ${newVersion} --no-git-tag-version

First of all clean the NPM cache. You can do this using.

sudo npm cache clean -f

Install node helper (n) globally using following command.

sudo npm install -gn

Once node helper is installed. You can either get the latest stable version using

sudo n stable

Or if you want specific version like i needed 0.11.10 then you can do this using.

sudo n 0.11.10

After upgrade you can check the latest version of node using node –version or node -v.

默认情况下,运行npm install <name>将转换为npm install <name>@latest (或 semver 兼容版本,如果在包含 package.json 的文件夹中运行),您可以使用npm install <name>@<version>选择确切版本文档

This worked for me when I needed to upgrade npm to a specific version, not just the latest version.

Use npm itself to upgrade/downgrade version

npm install -g npm@<version>

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