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Error 'Cannot read property 'triggerEventHandler' of null' in Karma unit testing

I am trying to test if a closeModal function in a Modal component is working when clicking a "close button" on the modal, however this test shows my button element as null. I am getting the error "Cannot read property 'triggerEventHandler' of null." How can I resolve this?


import { AppComponent } from "./../app.component";
import { async, ComponentFixture, TestBed } from "@angular/core/testing";
import { ModalComponent } from "./modal.component";
import { By } from '@angular/platform-browser';

describe("ModalComponent", () => {
  let component: ModalComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<ModalComponent>;

    async(() => {
        declarations: [ModalComponent, AppComponent]

  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ModalComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;

  it("should create", () => {

  it("should test closeModal method on close button", () => {
    spyOn(component, "closeModal")
    let el = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#close'))
    el.triggerEventHandler('click', null)


    fixture.whenStable().then(() => {


<div class="ds-c-dialog-wrap"[ngClass]="hideModal ? 'hide' : 'show'">
    <header role="banner">
      <h1 id="dialog-title">{{modalTitle}}</h1>
      <p class="ds-text">
    <aside role="complementary">
      <button>Dialog action</button>
      <button *ngIf="enableCancel" (click)="closeModal()">Cancel</button>

I believe your problem is with *ngIf="enableClose">Close</button> . You will need to set enableClose to true before you try to to access it. Try something like this:

it("should test closeModal method on close button", () => {

    spyOn(component, "closeModal")

    component.enableClose = true; // set your variable to true
    fixture.detectChanges(); // update everything to reflect the true state

    let el = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('#close'))
    el.triggerEventHandler('click', null)


    fixture.whenStable().then(() => {

Also, I noticed in your html the close button has an id of button , but in your test you are looking for #close , is that correct which means your button id should be close ?

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