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Need the output horizontally in Mozart OZ programming

Below given is the code I have made for finding Non- Prime numbers between 1-100 by using Mozart OZ programming language.

Code in Mozart OZ:

declare for A in 1..20 do for I in 2..A div 2 break:Ab do if A mod I ==0 then {Browse A} {Ab} end end end

Output in Mozart OZ is shown as:

12...This output is coming Vertically

However,I want the output Horizontally as shown below:


Please help me out in changing the code in Mozart OZ programming language as I am new to this language. Thanks.!!

Sorry for the late answer. I hope this is useful for someone else. I would do something like this:

proc {NotPrime N ?R} %% R for Result.
   R=for A in 1..N collect:C do
        for I in 2..A div 2 break:Ab do
           if A mod I==0 then {C A} {Ab} end
{Browse {NotPrime 100}}

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