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NetworkX extra labels when drawing graph with subset of nodes and edges

I found a problem that I have not been able to reproduce. I am currently working with a MultiDiGraph that I want to show only a portion of, the problem is that, when shown, I do not see only the nodes and edges that I selected, but also all of the labels in the graph.

I tried to recreate the error with something simple, as my original code is way to complex to explain.

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

gr = nx.MultiDiGraph()
gr.add_nodes_from(["","","","","" ])
gr.add_edge("", "", key=1)
gr.add_edge("", "", key=2)
gr.add_edge("", "", key=3)
gr.add_edge("", "", key=4)
gr[""][""][1]["color"] = 'b'
gr[""][""][2]["color"] = 'b'
gr[""][""][3]["color"] = 'b'
gr[""][""][4]["color"] = 'b'

pos = nx.random_layout(gr)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7))

e=[["", "", 1], ["", "", 2], 
   ["", "", 3]]
colors = [gr[u][v][k]["color"] for u, v, k in e]

nx.draw_networkx(gr, with_labels=True, edge_color=colors, nodelist=n, edgelist=e)

This is the image I get, as expected: Functioning But in my code I get something like this (fraction of result): Error

Does anybody has any idea why it does that?

Found a solution myself for this, in case it happens to someone else, you can just draw nodes, edges and labels separately.

import networkx as nx
l = {node: node for node in n}

nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, node_color='black', alpha=0.9, node_size=60, nodelist=n)
nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos, edge_color=colors, edgelist=e)
nx.draw_networkx_labels(G, pos=pos, font_size=8, font_color='black', labels=l)

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