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Vuetify v0.17.6: How to get the autocomplete text inside v-select

I'm using VueJS v2.5.13 and Vuetify v0.17.6.

I'm building a select with autocomplete functionality and whenever the user types something that's not on the list they'll be able to see a action to create a new option as the code below shows:

<v-select prepend-icon="view_list" :items="options" label="Quick searches" v-model="selected" item-text="label" autocomplete :search-value="inputText" clearable dense>
    <template slot="item" slot-scope="data">
        <v-flex xs12>
                <v-layout justify-start fill-height align-content-center>
                <v-layout justify-end row>
                    <v-icon color="success" @click="edit(data)">mod_edit</v-icon>
                    <v-icon color="error" @click="del(data)">delete_forever</v-icon>
    <template slot="no-data">
            <v-layout row>
                <v-layout justify-start fill-height align-content-center>
                    Create new search
                <v-layout justify-end>
                    <v-icon color="success" @click="create()">add</v-icon>

How can i access the text the user is typing to create a new 'quick search' using the user autocomplete text as label?

You can bind it by using :search-input.sync :

<v-select :search-input.sync="searchInput"

add searchInput variable to your data

data() {
    return {
         searchInput: "",

example pen

Additionally, if it seems "laggy" that's because of debounce-search property, which adds 200ms delay. You can change it to 0 if you want to catch value every time it's changed:


In the template:


In the script

data: () => ({
    itemList: [{name: 'John'}, {name: 'Doe'}],
    searchInput: ""


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