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Function returning promise, instead of value

I've got a function that makes a call to my Node backend, and retrieves an array of objects. This function, named queryDatabase, listed below:

function queryDatabase(locationName, timeFrame) {
    const location = locationName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + locationName.slice(1);
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
            .then((resp) => {
                console.log('RESPONSE', resp);

This function is called by yet another function, getAllGroupNames, that retrieves an object and gets all group names out of it. This function returns a promise, with an array of the list of group names that my front-end needs to render.

export default function (locationName) {
    const arrayOfGroupNames = [];
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        queryDatabase('Pagodedreef', 'uur').then((data) => {
            data.forEach((measurement) => {
                measurement.groups.forEach((group) => {
                    if (!arrayOfGroupNames.includes(group.name)) {

I feel the above code is correct. The problem, however, arises when a function in my front-end React code, calls getAllGroupNames and tries to iterate over the array to return a new Checkbox element for each value.

renderCheckboxes() {
    getAllGroupNames('Pagodedreef').then((array) => {
        return array.map((groupName, index) => (
            <div className="checkboxes" key={index.toString()}>
                <label htmlFor={groupName}>

If I put a console.log() around the getAllGroupNames().then() function, it returns an unresolved promise. I can't figure out how I can, instead of returning a promise, return the elements that need to be rendered.

If I chain an additional .then() at the end of the previous then() and log the value of that - it lists the values that I do indeed need. But again, when I return those - it has no effect.

Thank you in advance for helping me.

Instead of creating a new Promise you can just return the result of db query. However, making a db call for a render method doesn't sound good for performance-wise point of view.

export default function (locationName) {
    return queryDatabase('Pagodedreef', 'uur').then((data) => {
        const arrayOfGroupNames = [];
        data.forEach((measurement) => {
            measurement.groups.forEach((group) => {
                if (!arrayOfGroupNames.includes(group.name)) {
        return arrayOfGroupNames;


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