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observing a class Variable for any change in viewModel in RxSwift

I have a ViewModel where an service class is defined, This service class is initialized in this ViewModel's initializer. Now I need to update my View when there is any change in its value in ViewModel(getting it from service). Although I have found some examples of using Variable but I could not find it with Class injection. ViewController:

    var presenter:Variable<CardViewModelProtocol>!
        func setPresenter() {
//Following line has error
            self.presenter = Variable<CardViewModelProtocol>(CardViewModelProtocol(service:CardService()))
            self.presenter.value.attachView(view: self)

the line where presenter is initialized is giving error. Error:

'CardPresenterProtocol' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers

Following is how the ViewModel initialized:

var cardService:CardServiceContract!
var materialNum = Variable<String>("")

    self.cardService = service

Edit1: In short I want to convert following line to RxSwift supporting Variables and observe a variable(class object) in CardViewModel:

self.presenter = CardViewModel(service: CardService())


    protocol CardViewModelProtocol : BaseViewModelProtocol {

    func loadCardInfo(Serial serial:String)

    var materialNum: Variable<String> {get set}
protocol BaseViewModelProtocol {
    func attachView(view: BaseViewProtocol)
protocol BaseViewProtocol{
    func setViewModel()

This is an example of usage - https://github.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxSegue/blob/master/Example/RxSegue/ProfileViewController.swift

But keep in mind that RxSwift 4.0.0 "Deprecates Variable in favor of BehaviorRelay."

If you are not obliged to follow MVVM, you can try unidirectional dataflow approach instead - https://github.com/maxvol/RaspSwift

In case to have a continuous subscription to server updates, you can use .switchLatest() operator like that -

let stream = PublishSubject<Observable<Response>>()
stream.onNext(serverRequestReturningResponseObservable) // repeat whenever needed

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