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quill - can't tokenize a non-scalar lifting

I'm currently getting this error and I can't quite figure out why:

exception during macro expansion: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't tokenize a non-scalar lifting. AgentService.this.agentsByOrganization(id).id

Do I need to convert the Ids to Long prior to making the query? I'd like to be able to use the specific Id class, but I'm new to Scala and not sure if that is possible. In addition, not all of the queries fail. For example, delete works, even though it is also being passed an AgentId . Whereas the findByOrganization method does not work. Other methods that are passed an AgentId are also showing the same errors as findByOrganization .


case class AgentId(value: Long) extends AnyVal
case class OrganizationId(value: Long) extends AnyVal
case class Agent(
                  id: AgentId
                  , identifier: String
                  , organizationId: OrganizationId
                  , createdAt: LocalDateTime
                  , updatedAt: LocalDateTime


class AgentService(implicit val ex: ExecutionContext, val ctx: DBContext)
  extends AgentsRepository {
  import ctx._

  def listByOrganization(id: OrganizationId): List[Agent] =
    ctx.run(agentsByOrganization(id)) // this returns the error

  def delete(agent: RichAgent): Unit = {
    ctx.run(deleteAgent(agent)) // this doesn't


trait AgentsRepository extends Repository {
  import ctx._

  def agentsByOrganization(id: OrganizationId) = quote { // error
    query[Agent].filter(_.organizationId == lift(id))

  def agentById(id: AgentId) = quote {
    query[Agent].filter(_.id == lift(id))

  def deleteAgent(agent: Agent) = quote { agentById(agent.id).delete }


import io.getquill.{PostgresJdbcContext, SnakeCase}

package object db {
  class DBContext(config: String) extends PostgresJdbcContext(SnakeCase, config)

  trait Repository {
    val ctx: DBContext

I've seen this similar issue , but it seems specific to Option . Here's a scastie snippet .

Not quite sure what happened, but now it is working:

    case class AgentId(value: Long) extends AnyVal
case class Agent(
                  id: AgentId
                  , identifier: String
                  , organizationId: OrganizationId
                  , createdAt: LocalDateTime
                  , updatedAt: LocalDateTime
case class RichAgent(
                  id: AgentId
                  , identifier: String
                  , organization: Organization


class AgentService(implicit val ex: ExecutionContext, val ctx: DBContext)
  extends AgentsRepository {
  import ctx._

  def listByOrganization(id: OrganizationId): List[Agent] =

  def delete(agent: Agent): AgentId = {


trait AgentsRepository extends Repository {
  import ctx._

  val agents = quote {

  def agentsByOrganization(id: OrganizationId) = quote {
    agents.filter(_.organizationId == lift(id))

  def agentById(id: AgentId) = quote {
    agents.filter(_.id == lift(id))

  def deleteAgent(agentId: AgentId) = quote { agentById(agentId).delete }


object db {
  class DBContext(config: String) extends PostgresJdbcContext(SnakeCase, config)

  trait Repository {
    val ctx: DBContext

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