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RxJS: forkJoin seems not working

I'm currently using combineLatest() method to get all my friends and make it as a list. However, it produces an ordering issue when I try to remove an item from the beginning. (View does not render correctly) Therefore, I'd like to switch from combineLatest() to forkJoin() to get all the friends at once.

import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/forkJoin';

friends$: Observable<User[]>;

getMyFriendList() {
  this.friends$ = this.userService.getMyFriendsId().switchMap(friendKeys => {
    return Observable.forkJoin(friendKeys.map(user => this.userService.getFriends(user.key)));

But nothing happens when I call forkJoin(). What am I doing wrong here?

getMyFriendsId() {
  let friendRef = this.getFriendRef(this.currentUserId);
  this.friends$ = friendRef.snapshotChanges().map(actions => {
    return actions.map(a => ({ key: a.payload.doc.id, ...a.payload.doc.data()}));
  return this.friends$;

getFriends(uid: string) {
  return this.getUsersRef(uid).valueChanges();


getMyFriendsId() updates a new data when a logged in user remove another user in the friend list.

    <ion-list-header>Friends <span class="total-friends"></span></ion-list-header>
      <ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let user of friends$ | async">
        <ion-item *ngIf="user" (click)="viewUserProfile(user)">
          <ion-avatar (click)="showOriginalAvatarImage()" item-start>
            <img-loader [src]="user.thumbnailURL" [spinner]="true"></img-loader>

Lifecycle event

ionViewWillEnter() {
  // Runs when the page is about to enter and become the active page.;

.forkJoin() combines all the observables, and will only emit the values if all observables are COMPLETED . The reason your code doesn't work is because a you are using valueChanges() , and it is a type of event that will never complete -- they are forever listening to the changes of the value!

If you really want to use .forkJoin (or to prove the point), add a take(1) into your valueChanges :

getFriends(uid: string) {
  return this.getUsersRef(uid).valueChanges().take(1);

The above code will work because it forcefully completes the observable with take() , but obviously will defeat the purpose because your code will only work once. Conclusion is if you want to keep on observing for a change of a particular value, and combine it with another observable, yes, use combineLatest()

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