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Unable to Install PhoneGap macOS (Desktop App)

I downloaded 8.9.4 LTS Node.js for macOS (x64) .

Then I went to: http://docs.phonegap.com/getting-started/1-install-phonegap/desktop/ and followed the instructions.

I had just finished dragging PhoneGap into my applications folder and when I tried to open the application, this popped up:


The most important detail from the image seems to be:

Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/Users/bruce/.config/configstore/insight-phonegap.json' You don't have access to this file." Any help with solving this would be greatly appreciated! (same thing happened when I tried to use the CLI)

This is a user permission issue.

User other users (such as root) with privilege to write to .config/configstore/ folder can solve the problem

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