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How to resize space of chart are and legend label

I use ng2-chart in angular 2, how to resize spacte chart are and legend label ? Thank you very much.


<div align="center" style="width: auto; height: auto">
  <div class="chartArea">
    <canvas baseChart id="chartBalanceId" [data]="chartData"


private chartData: number[] = [];
  private chartType: string = "doughnut";
  private chartOptions: any = {legend: {position: "right"}};
  private chartLabels: string[] = ["BTC", "ETH", "LTC", "XRP"];
  private chartData = [30, 34, 30, 6];
  private chartColors: any[] = [{ backgroundColor: ["#b8436d", "#00d9f9", "#a4c73c", "#a4add3"] }];


元素将填充块的大小,因此不要使用style="width: auto; height: auto"将它们放入具有固定宽度的div中。

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