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MySQL Insert Double Quotes PHP

I am using the below-prepared statement to insert into MySQL. If I try and insert something with $descrip containing a " (double quote) the insert stops at this point.

Example: Trying to insert 16" Solid Steel Tube The entry into the table row only shows 16 and stops at the " (double quote) and wont show the rest of $descrip .

What am I doing wrong?

$stmt = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO line_items (quote_id, part, descrip, qty, price, net, notes, datasheet) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param("ssssssss", $quote_id, $part, $descrip, $qty, $price, $net, $notes, $datasheet);

foreach($_POST['part'] as $i => $item) {

    $part       = $item;
    $descrip   = $_POST['descrip'][$i];  //This wont enter something with double qutoes such as 16" Solid Steel Tube
    $qty        = $_POST['qty'][$i];
    $price      = $_POST['price'][$i];
    $net        = $_POST['net'][$i];
    $notes      = $_POST['notes'][$i];
    $datasheet  = $_POST['datasheet'][$i];


EDIT: FYI- I am selecting $descrip from another table in the database which correctly has this in the row as 16" Solid Steel Tube . When I try and copy this item into another table via my prepared statement that is when it wont insert properly.

Based on your hint...

I am selecting $descrip from another table in the database which correctly has this in the row as '16" Solid Steel Tube '. When i try and copy this item into another table via my prepared statement that is when it wont insert properly.

I imagine you're using this value in a form like this (but maybe not exactly)

<input type="text" value="<?= $descrip ?>" name="descrip[]">

The issue here is that the rendered HTML looks like

<input type="text" value="16" Solid Steel Tube" name="descrip[]">

Notice the value attribute now has an end-quote after "16" ?

You need to encode your values for safe use in HTML. Try...

<input type="text" value="<?= htmlspecialchars($descrip) ?>" name="descrip[]">

This will render like

<input type="text" value="16&quot; Solid Steel Tube" name="descrip[]">

Your PHP script will still receive it as the un-encoded string when submitted.

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