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is it possible to have load balancer with reverse proxy on apache server?

currently I am having 4 servers as below
A :
B :
C :
D :

www.example.com is cent OS server where I have installed apache and I am able to do load balancing of server A and B on the same with help of JKMount but on the same server I want to have reverse proxy for server C and D with reverse proxy string Test and Demo

so that if URL is entered as www.example.com then it should be redirect either of server A and B response should be under www.example.com URL if www.example.com/Test then request should be redirected to server C and response should be under www.example.com/Test if www.example.com/Test then request should be redirected to server D and response should be under www.example.com/Demo httpd conf


Yes, It is possible have loadbalancer with reverse proxy

You only need to add node under tag as below

ProxyPass /demo http://172.16.XX.XX:9191/Login/ ProxyPassReverse /demo http://172.16.XX.XX:9191/Login/

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