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how to get unique value

I want to know the number of unique values, number of 2, 3 or more values

  name   var
1    a  abc1
2    b  abc1
3    c  abc2
4    d  abc2
5    e  abc2
6    f accd1
7    g baac1

y <- data.frame(table(x$var))
   Var1 Freq
1  abc1    2
2  abc2    3
3 accd1    1
4 baac1    1

if using table() , I can see how many of them Var1 have. BUT, What I want to know is.. how many unique value's got. (and 2, 3 or more)

like this.

unique value : 2   #(accd1, baac1)
     2 value : 1   #(abc1)
   3 or more : 1   #(abc2)

using tidyverse functions, you can try something like

df %>%
  group_by(var) %>%
  mutate( cnt = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(cnt) %>%
  mutate(freq = n()) %>%
  select(cnt, freq) %>%

You can do :

freq <- data.frame(table(x$var))$Freq
table(ifelse(freq >= 3, "3 and more", freq))

> table(ifelse(freq >= 3, "3 and more", freq))

1          2 3 and more 
2          1          1

Or with the dplyr library :

x %>%
  count(var) %>% 
  mutate(values = ifelse(n >= 3, "3 and more", n)) %>%

# A tibble: 3 x 2
  values        nn
  <chr>      <int>
1 1              2
2 2              1
3 3 and more     1

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