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How do I tell CPAN.pm to install all modules in a specific directory?

I have set

makepl_arg         [INSTALLDIRS=site PREFIX=~/perl]
mbuildpl_arg       [--install_base ~/perl]

in the CPAN.pm configuration. I had hoped that this would cause modules to get installed in the same place, but I still have to set multiple paths in PERL5LIB:

export PERL5LIB=~/perl/share/perl/5.10.0:~/perl/lib/perl5/:~/perl/lib/perl/5.10.0

This has been the case for a long time and I have just lived with it, but I was wondering if anyone knew how to get CPAN.pm to put all modules in the same directory?

Install local::lib . It will handle all the configuration for you.

Have you tried using INSTALL_BASE for both? You have to set multiple directories because you're telling CPAN.pm to install in multiple directories. Tell it to install everything in the same place:

makepl_arg         [INSTALL_BASE=~/perl]
mbuildpl_arg       [--install_base ~/perl]

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