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@import styles in angular component's styles with ::ng-deep

Using Angular 5, angular-cli with scss.

I'm creating angular component that uses 3rd party component ( angular-tree-component ). I need to import styles for the tree. Because of styles isolation in angular (using the default emulated view encapsulation) the only way how to achieve it is using ::ng-deep , like this:

:host ::ng-deep {
    @import '~angular-tree-component/dist/angular-tree-component.css';

But this does not work - it looks like the @import is ignored inside the :host ::ng-deep . I workarounded it by copying the content of the css file directly within the brackets but its suboptimal as if the referenced package was upgraded then I would have to manually replace the content with the new styles.

Only other workaround I can think of is changing the view encapsulation to None but it seems even worse as it makes the styles global.

Is there any better option?

For me, in an Angular CLI 6 project, all works fine when not including the file's suffix. Like if the actual file is simplemde.min.css :

:host ::ng-deep {
    // For proper scoping, do not include the .css file suffix here
    @import '~simplemde/dist/simplemde.min';

So, the above works without the need for encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None . And it also makes non-scoped content (typically HTML that is created at runtime outside of Angular, like in my case the HTML generated for the SimpleMDE Markdown editor ) be styled as expected.

Some background:

With the suffix, the @import is actually processed as well; whenever my component was instantiated a scoped <style> element was added to <head> :


Note that this yields scoping for _ngcontent , and this does not work well for ::ng-deep , leaving dynamic child content unstyled.

However, without the suffix, one gets:


Above, the scoping is using _nghost .

I wonder if this is a bug, or documented behaviour. (And maybe things are even different for Sass files? Using @import for CSS is non-standard behaviour which will be removed in future versions of LibSass ...)

Note that :host is needed. With just ::ng-deep the result with the file suffix is the same. But without the file suffix the styles are not scoped at all when not using :host :


Looking at the rendered web pages I have very much been fooled into thinking this worked too (and one's own styles are still nicely scoped, so this is a partial success). But the third party CSS is effectively imported without any scoping when not using :host .

Try this:

/deep/ {
    @import '~angular-tree-component/dist/angular-tree-component.css';

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