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Adobe Javascript object - List and Create folders within a Portfolio file

I'm using Acrobat PRO DC and Excel VBA to automate some interaction with Adobe Portfolio PDF files.

Using the Adobe JSO, is there a way to get a list of existing portfolio subfolders? Or to create new ones? I'm able to add an attachment to a folder within a portfolio file using something like:

Call jso.importdataobject("<1>subfile.txt", "/F/Development/PermFile/subfile.txt")

This will import "subfile.txt" into the first existing folder within the JSO's portfolio file. However, this code does not work if a folder does not already exist in the portfolio file. Also hard coding the actual index of the folder (via <1>) seems fairly clumsy.

Existing folders don't seem to be part of what's returned via the dataObjects collection.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

You can't. The JavaScript API does not have access to folder names.

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