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Access $refs from other components not in the same level as current component

I'm working on a Vue application. It has a header and then the main content. Nesting and structure as below

TheHeader.vue -> TheLogin.vue

MainContent.vue -> ShoppingCart.vue -> OrderSummary.vue

I need to access an element in TheLogin.vue from OrderSummary.vue


gives me an error "Cannot read property '$emit' of undefined" so obviously I am not able to access $refs from other components.

The question is how do I get hold of refs from other components? Thanks in advance!

Edit 1 - Found out $refs works with only child components. How do I access elements across components in different level?

You definitely don't want to be reaching through the hierarchy like that. You are breaking encapsulation. You want a global event bus .

And here's a secret: there's one built in, called $root . Have your OrderSummary do


and set up a listener in your TheLogin's created hook:

this.$root.on('openPopup', () => this.$emit('open'));

In general, you should try to avoid using refs.

对于稍后来到这里并想要访问父组件中的$refs的任何人,在这种特殊情况下不是用于发出事件,因为事件总线或存储就足够了,但我们只是说您想访问父组件中的某些元素以获取它的属性,例如clientHeight , classList等然后你可以像访问它们:

this.$parent.$parent.$refs //you can traverse through multiple levels like this to access $ref property at the required level

You can put a function like this on your component to do this. I put mine in a Mixin:

  public findRefByName(refName) {
    let obj = this
    while (obj) {
      if (obj.$refs[refName]) {
        return obj.$refs[refName]
      obj = obj.$parent
    return undefined

I also added some accessors to help:

  get mycomponent() {
    return this.findRefByName('mycomponent')

And once that exists, you can access your component by simply doing:


Thanks for that tip Abdullah! In my case I was looking for a sibling, so in case someone comes looking for that, here's an example:

var RefName='MyCoolReferenceName';
var MyRef,x;
  if(typeof this.$parent.$children[x].$refs[RefName] !='undefined')
if(typeof MyRef !='undefined')

PS - The reason I'm doing MyRef.error=true is because I was having ZERO luck with Quasar inputs and lazy-rules="ondemand". Turns out you can just set .error=true to activate the error message and the red highlighting and .clearValidation() event to clear it back out. In case someone is trying to do that as well!

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