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How to put PHP file in JavaScript?

How do I put PHP file in JavaScript. I want to replace awesome font used inside JavaScript with icon that has been created its function to be called.

I want to put this file:

<img class="svgbeloved" src="<?php echo Wo_GetSvg('microphone'); ?>">

to replace the awesome fonts that are in JavaScript:

 function Wa_CleanRecordNodes(){ $(".record-comment-audio").each(function(index, el) { $(el).html('<i class="fa fa-microphone"></i>').attr('data-record', '0'); $('[data-comment-rtime="'+$(el).attr('id')+'"]').text('00:00').addClass('hidden'); });

And I have tried this, but it did not work:

 function Wa_CleanRecordNodes(){ $(".record-comment-audio").each(function(index, el) { $(el).html('<img class="svgbeloved" src="<?php echo Wo_GetSvg('microphone'); ?>">').attr('data-record', '0'); $('[data-comment-rtime="'+$(el).attr('id')+'"]').text('00:00').addClass('hidden'); });

Try with

 let src = <?php echo json_encode(Wo_GetSvg('microphone')); ?>;

And then use that variable. Other ways you can do that is to use axios, cookie or VueJS and pass data into component. Hope that helps.

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