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Can I include a single React component in a non-React environment via Javascript?

What I'd like to achieve is the ability to dynamically add single react components to a vanilla (or any other project) via Javascript.

Essentially a web component, without the compatibility woes.

For example: I create a component in React, build the project and it makes a bundle. Let's say I call the bundle "mycomponent.js"

Is there a way to then include that file in an unrelated project, either in an HTML script tag or bundler, then add it to the DOM dynamically with:

const elRef = new myCustomElement() //or some other syntax
elRef.customEvent = (data) => { console.log(data) }

Yes you can, you just need to set a mounting node for react to render your components. Something like:

  <!-- rest of your page -->
  <div id="root"></div>
  <!-- rest of your page -->

//Somewhere in your JS
React.render(<YourComponent />, document.getElementById("root"));

React won't change anything outside of its mounting DOM node, so you can have a full page and render only some widget with react if you want to. You don't need to render the entire page with react

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