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WPF checkbox IsChecked two way binding not working

the following code I wrote for two way binding. The UI gets updated when anything from code changes but vice versa doesn't work, the UI doesn't change the data code when the checkbox is clicked by the user. Appreciate if anybody sheds some light on the solution.


  <DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding StatusItems}"  Name="DataGridUploadingRevitFiles" Margin="5"
                          IsReadOnly="False" SelectionMode="Single" CanUserAddRows="True" 
                          AutoGenerateColumns="False" SelectionUnit="Cell" Height="Auto">

                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Update" Width=".5*">

                                <CheckBox Width="200"
                                 IsChecked="{Binding Path=IsUpdateAbleFile, 




Model [ FamilyStatusItem.cs ]

public class FamilyStatusItem : INotifyPropertyChanged

    private bool _isUpdateAbleFile;
    public bool IsUpdateAbleFile
        get => this._isUpdateAbleFile;
        private set
            this._isUpdateAbleFile = value;

    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

ViewModel [ FamilyStatusViewItem.cs ]

public class FamilyStatusViewItem
    public ObservableCollection<FamilyStatusItem> StatusItems { get; set; }
    public FamilyStatusViewItem()
        this.StatusItems = new ObservableCollection<FamilyStatusItem>();

Your setter is private which means it can't be called from the outside. Thus when you tick or untick the checkbox it can't be called and the property retains the old state.

Solution: Remove the private modifier.

Try to use public setter

public bool IsUpdateAbleFile
    get => this._isUpdateAbleFile;
        this._isUpdateAbleFile = value;

You are having a private setter

private set
    this._isUpdateAbleFile = value;

Change this to a public, then it should work.

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