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Azure - “PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'wincache'” after already being loaded

I've got a webjob running on my Azure app service that starts off with the session_start(); command.

At first - I was getting this error:

PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'wincache' - session startup failed in D:\\local\\Temp\\jobs\\triggered\\myCron\\a4ypumbv.4i2\\MyCron\\myCron.php on line 3

What I ended up doing was going to my App Service -> Application Settings, and I set a custom setting of PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR set to D:\\home\\site , like so:


Then, inside the D:\\home\\site directory, I uploaded a file titled phpconfig.ini , and inside I placed this:


I went to https://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/wincache-extension and downloaded the appropriate WinCache version - WinCache 1.3 for PHP 5.6 from SourceForge. After unpacking the .exe file, I copied the php_wincache.dll file into my D:\\home\\site\\ext folder.

Now, when I run the webjob, I get this same error but also another error message right before it saying the wincache file was already loaded:

PHP Warning: Module 'wincache' already loaded in Unknown on line 0

PHP Warning: session_start(): Cannot find save handler 'wincache' - session startup failed in D:\\local\\Temp\\jobs\\triggered\\myCron\\a4ypumbv.4i2\\MyCron\\myCron.php on line 3

How can I make these warnings go away completely? Has anyone run into the same problem before?

wincache has been already installed and enabled in Azure App Service.

In this case, you no longer need to call session_start() manually, Azure would start sessions on each page automatically.

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