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C# Handling Exception in Task with await

I'm new to the async and await keywords in C# and I am using C# 6.0. What is the problem with my code? The DivideByZeroException does not get caught in the catch block. I read that in C# 5 and newer, exceptions can be handled easily with using await keyword surrounded by a try-catch block.

private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("in try");                
        int result = await f(0);
        textBox1.Text = result.ToString();
    catch (Exception)
        Console.WriteLine("in catch");                
        Console.WriteLine("in finally");                

Task<int> f(int x)
    return Task<int>.Factory.StartNew(() =>
        return 10 / x;                


It is working in release, but since this is WebForms / WPF or WinForms app, it doesn't have console, so Console.WriteLine never prints anything. Replace:

Console.WriteLine("in catch");


textBox1.Text = "in catch";

This will work:

    textBox1.Text += "in try";               
    int result = await f(0);
    textBox1.Text = result.ToString();
catch (Exception)
    textBox1.Text += "in catch";                
    textBox1.Text += "in finally";                

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