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Which unsupported characters exist for the dotenv file?

I'm trying to store a Facebook API Access-Token in Fortrabbit's environment variables. (.env and app secret)

But I get the message:

Unsupported characters or malformed nested ENV vars.

I think the problem might be, that my token contains a | character.

  • Is there a list of unsupported characters?
  • Is there a way to escape this character?


Is there a list of unsupported characters?

Here is the regex for the validation:

/^[\\p{L}\\p{N}\\ _\\-\\+=\\.,:;\\?!@~%&\\*\\(\\)\\[\\]\\{\\}<>\\/\\\\#]+$/u

Is there a way to escape this character?

We recommend to base64 encode the value and decode it before usage.

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