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To hide "..." used in the will_paginate function on Rails

I'm using will_paginate due to the volume of values, but I can't figure out how to hide the "..." portion and the page numbers after. This is what I currently have: 在此处输入图片说明

This is what I'd like to have:

< 1 2 3 4 >
clicking next would give me < 2 3 4 5 > (Notice how in both, we don't see the ".." followed by 95 96 97.)

Any idea how this can be done? Here is the relevant HTML:

<div class="pagination full">
  <span class="previous_page disabled">&lt; 前へ</span>
  <em class="current">1</em>
  <a rel="next" href="/student/search?page=2">2</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=3">3</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=4">4</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=5">5</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=6">6</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=7">7</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=8">8</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=9">9</a>
  <span class="gap">…</span>
  <a href="/student/search?page=95">95</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=96">96</a>
  <a href="/student/search?page=97">97</a>
  <a class="next_page" rel="next" href="/student/search?page=2">次へ &gt;</a>


You need to make a custom renderer for will_paginate . The will_paginate helper accept a parameter renderer like this:

<%= will_paginate(@users, :renderer => UserPaginationRenderer) %>

You just need to implement the UserPaginationRenderer yourself, with your own rules, like showing only 4 links and so on. There is plenty of information and articles about this:


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