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C#: Check boxes

I have 4 check boxes. One or all can be selected for the program to do its thing. Right now I only have if statements for when only one of them is selected. if I were to do if statements for all situations, I will need 24. Is there an easier way?

You can use an Enum to hold the checked values

enum BoxesChecked
{ None = 0, First = 1, Second = 2, Third = 4, Fourth = 8 }


var boxesChecked = BoxesChecked.None; 
if (box1.Checked)
    boxesChecked |= BoxesChecked.First;

Then make a map of associated actions and retrieve the one that you need based on the given combination

var actionsMap = new Dictionary<BoxesChecked, Action>
    { BoxesChecked.First | BoxesChecked.Second, DoSomething },
    { BoxesChecked.Second | BoxesChecked.Fourth, DoSomethingElse },

var action = actionsMap[boxesChecked];

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