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mongoose listCollections() not returning collections name instead return a promise pending

I want to create model on the fly so I am using below code for achieving same.

var connection = mongoose.createConnection(metadb_uri, mongo_opts, function() {
   log.debug(process.env.DB_ENV+' setup done')

const _schema = new Schema({
   users:{type: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed, default: {}} 

let name = 'name_123';

//trying to get collection names
connection.db.listCollections.toArray().then((names) => {

    if (!(name in names.name)) {
       let userAnalyticsDB = connection.model(name,_schema);
       module.exports.Collection = userAnalyticsDB;
    return err;

so connection.db.listCollections.toArray() returns promise state as pending. Can anyone have an idea , why it is giving promise value as undefined .

Please give me some hint.

Thanks for your answers and help. I debug the issue and found that it was related to Promise hell. I wrote promise within promise. so it was returning promise as pending and undefined

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