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vuejs how to dynamically change data in the object

I've got an array as below:

return {
   address: 'London'
   telephone: '0044 345 6576 543422'
   items: [
      {active: true, text: 'Company address: xyz, other info1'},
      {active: true, text: 'Company telephone: xyz, other info2,'},
      {active: true, text: 'text3'},
      {active: true, text: 'text4'},
      {active: true, text: 'text5'}

My intention is to output array in template as html. My array is some kind of reusable template, so I need somehow to output the right data.

I tried to use computed property with ${this.address} but with no luck.

Can anyone more experienced show me how to do it?


  <div v-for="item in items">

this should show 'Company address: London, other info1, Company telephone: 0044 345 6576 543422, other info2, text3, ...' .

If I understand the problem correctly, the issue here is that you want to replace part of the text in each item with a data value. In order to do that, you need to know what to replace it with, and where to put it.

Here is a very basic example of one way you might do that.

 console.clear() new Vue({ el: "#app", data(){ return { address: 'London', telephone: '0044 345 6576 543422', items: [ {active: true, text: 'Company address: [placeholder], other info1', dataField: 'address'}, {active: true, text: 'Company telephone: [placeholder], other info2,', dataField: 'telephone'}, {active: true, text: 'text3'}, {active: true, text: 'text4'}, {active: true, text: 'text5'} ] } }, computed:{ activeItems(){ return this.items.filter(item => item.active === true) } }, methods: { getInterpolatedText(text, field) {return text.replace("[placeholder]", this[field])} } }) 
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@2.4.2"></script> <div id="app"> <div v-for="item in activeItems"> {{getInterpolatedText(item.text, item.dataField)}} </div> </div> 

In this example, I added the text [placeholder] in each string for the place where you want to insert the text (but it could be any pattern, just something that is serving as a placeholder for where you will insert the text). I also added a property to each item, dataField , that defines what data property to use to replace the placeholder text.

Please this is not an array at all. This structure is more of an object .In this you should separate all of your identifiers by a ","(comma).so you should have

   address: 'London',
   telephone: '0044 345 6576 543422',
   items: [
      {active: true, text: 'Company address: xyz'},
      {active: true, text: 'Company telephone: xyz'},
      {active: true, text: 'text3'},
      {active: true, text: 'text4'},
      {active: true, text: 'text5'}

And to access data let's say address we use:

this.address;//to access address

where 0 is the index of the items object and this refers to the global created object

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