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How to post same URL parallel multiple time with different params using angular 4 / angular 5?

How to post same URL parallel multiple time with different params using angular 4 / angular 5 and return data ?.

i have a multiple get request

let value = Array();    
    let character = this.http.get('https://sameURL');
    let characterHomeworld = this.http.get('https://sameURL');
    forkJoin(value).subscribe(results => {      
      (results[0] as any).homeworld = results[1];
      this.loadedCharacter = results[0];

the above code is for HttpGet. I need to post the sameURL multiple time with parameters

CASE 1 : Assuming that you want to POST (multiple times) the same url with different query params such as:

  • ' https://sameURL?id=0 '
  • ' https://sameURL?id=1 '
  • ... then:

    let value = [];
    let character = this.http.post('https://sameURL?id=0'); let characterHomeworld = this.http.post('https://sameURL?id=1'); value.push(character); value.push(characterHomeworld); forkJoin(value).subscribe(results => {
    results[0]; // response from REST call with id=0 results[1]; // response from REST call with id=1 });

CASE 2 : Assuming that you want to POST (multiple times) the same url with different body such as:

  • ' https://sameURL ' --> body: {id: 0}
  • ' https://sameURL ' --> body: {id: 1}
  • ... then:

    let value = [];
    let character = this.http.post('https://sameURL', {id: 0}); let characterHomeworld = this.http.post('https://sameURL', {id: 1}); value.push(character); value.push(characterHomeworld); forkJoin(value).subscribe(results => {
    results[0]; // response from REST call with body {id: 0} results[1]; // response from REST call with body {id: 1} });

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