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Path must be a string (require url with node.js http module)

So im trying to make an update checker that doesnt actually download the update but nvm and all im trying to is check if the version on the package.json on github is the same as the one in the app (im making it in electron)

And with this code i get a "path must be a string error" (heres an image https://gyazo.com/7b55a1cbe96b2719bb588a6591855839 )

also i did look it up many times and in fact the code to get the package.json from github with the http module was from how to require from URL in Node.js

function checkforupdate() {

var http = require('http')

const file_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FloffahDevelopments/FloffahsHub/master/package.json";
const oldpackagejson = require("package.json");
document.getElementById("checkupdate").innerHTML = 'Checking for updates</br>Please wait</br><img src="./assets/icons/gif/loading.gif" alt="loading" style="width: 10%; left: 45%;">'
http.get(file_url).then(res => res.json()).then(pack => {
    if (pack.version !== oldpackagejson.version) {
        document.getElementById("checkupdate").innerHTML = 'Update available!'
    } else {
        document.getElementById("checkupdate").innerHTML = 'No update available!'


This will make the request you want:

var https = require('https')
const file_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FloffahDevelopments/FloffahsHub/master/package.json"
const oldpackagejson = require("./package.json");
https.get(file_url, (res) => {
  res.on('data', (d) => {
}).on('error', (e) => {

Some mistakes you made were: Treating http.get as a promise when it's not. It could by with the inclusion of a module like bluebird, though. You used the http module to make an https request. You did not give http.get it's parameters correctly, that is, your syntax was incorrect. You're trying to update the DOM on server-side code, you should separate client and server logic. res => res.json() does not change res to json, you'll need JSON.parse .

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