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how to reuse function in javascript

I wrote a function in javascript. It works perfectly to show and hide list items on click action. I have other 5 lists items that I want to use this function for them also. However, When I tried to generalize the function by passing parameters as IDs it did not work.

the following part of the html:

 function toggle_att_menu() { var att_list = document.getElementById("att-list"); var plus = document.getElementById("plus"); var minus = document.getElementById("minus"); att_list.style.display= ((att_list.style.display!='block')?'block':'none'); plus.style.display= ((plus.style.display!='none')?'none':'inline'); minus.style.display= ((minus.style.display!='inline')?'inline':'none'); } // what I want to do is passing parameter as following: function toggle_att_menu(x,y,z) { var att_list = document.getElementById(x); var plus = document.getElementById(y); var minus = document.getElementById(z); att_list.style.display= ((att_list.style.display!='block')?'block':'none'); plus.style.display= ((plus.style.display!='none')?'none':'inline'); minus.style.display= ((minus.style.display!='inline')?'inline':'none'); } //and use the function five times with different IDs each time as following: toggle_att_menu('att-list-1','plus-1','minus-1') toggle_att_menu('att-list-2','plus-2','minus-2') toggle_att_menu('att-list-3','plus-3','minus-3') toggle_att_menu('att-list-4','plus-4','minus-4') toggle_att_menu('att-list-5','plus-5','minus-5') 
 <div class="title linklike"> <span id="plus-1" class="plus" >&#9656;</span><span id="minus-1" class="minus">&#9662;</span> <a id="linklike" onclick="toggle_att_menu()" href="#"> condition </a> </div> <ul id= "att-list-1" class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox" /> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox" /> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_3" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox" /> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_4" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox" /> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_5" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox" /> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_6" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox" /> damegaed </label> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="search-attribute hide-list" data-attr="condition"> <div class="title linklike"> <span id="plus-2" class="plus" >&#9656;</span><span id="minus-2" class="minus">&#9662;</span> <a id="link" onclick="toggle_att_menu()" href="#">condition</a> </div> <ul id= "att-list-2" class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox" /> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox" /> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_3" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox" /> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_4" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox" /> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_5" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox" /> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_6" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox" /> damaged </label> </li> </ul> </div> 

any idea or solution will be highly appreciated.I am not so familiar with jQuery. so please I need help using only pure java script.

Try it like this:


function toggle_att_menu(elem) {

       var container = elem.parentElement.parentElement;

       var att_list = container.querySelector(".att-list");
       var plus = container.querySelector(".plus");
       var minus = container.querySelector(".minus");

       att_list.style.display = ((att_list.style.display!='block')?'block':'none');
       plus.style.display =((plus.style.display!='none')?'none':'inline');
       minus.style.display = ((minus.style.display!='inline')?'inline':'none');

You first have to get the parent parent's container of your anker and then you can query the underlying elements.

Your ankers should then look like this:

<div class="title linklike">
    <span id="plus" class="plus">&#9656;</span>
    <span id="minus" class="minus">&#9662;</span>
    <a id="linklike" onclick="toggle_att_menu(this)" href="#"> condition </a>

<ul id="att-list" class="att-list"> ... </ul>

Please be aware the fiddle is missing the initial CSS, so it looks little weird.

Query would make life much easier here.

The reason for this is your function calls, and your element IDs. You have no elements with id "att-list-1", "att-list-2" etc. You have two elements with the same id: "att-list". Two elements should never have the same id. Switch the ids to "att-list-1", "att-list-2" and so forth, and it probably should work. The same goes for "plus-1" ... and "minus-1" ..., you have no elements with those IDs in HTML, you use the same IDs "minus" and "plus" for several elements.

As a general piece of advice, try:

  • not using the same id multiple times, because that's not how the id is supposed to work. Ids ought to be unique, otherwise, you're going to have problems with CSS and JavaScript in particular.

  • getting your elements by class , or some other non-unique selector, instead of id , using a function that can do that, such as getElementsByClassName or querySelectorAll so that you can use your function just once.

  • using window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue as a fallback, when getting the current display to check against, in case the style is not defined yet (if you don't the first click will do nothing) .

Now, regarding your problem, since you can't use jQuery , getting the elements will get kind of ugly and will depend vastly on how you position them relatively to each other. Since, you are using inline JavaScript to call your function, be sure to pass this as an argument to be able to use the link to get the required elements.


 /* ----- JavaScript ----- */ function toggle_att_menu(a) { var /* Cache all desired elements. */ elements = { att_list: a.parentElement.nextElementSibling.children[0], plus: a.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling, minus: a.previousElementSibling }, /* Store the wanted displays for each element type. */ displays = { att_list: {from: "block", to: "none"}, plus: {from: "inline", to: "none"}, minus: {from: "none", to: "inline"} }; /* Iterate over every property of the elements object. */ for (var type in elements) { var /* Cache the current element. */ element = elements[type], /* Get the current display of the element. */ d = element.style.display || getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue("display"); /* Set the element's display to the appropriate one. */ element.style.display = (d != displays[type].from) ? displays[type].from : displays[type].to; } } 
 /* ----- CSS ----- */ .plus { display: inline } .minus { display: none } 
 <!----- HTML -----> <div class="title linklike"> <span class="plus">&#9656;</span> <span class="minus">&#9662;</span> <a class="linklike" onclick="toggle_att_menu(this)" href="#">condition</a> </div> <div class="search-attribute hide-list" data-attr="condition"> <ul class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox"/> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox"/> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox"/> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox"/> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox"/> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox"/> damaged </label> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="title linklike"> <span class="plus">&#9656;</span> <span class="minus">&#9662;</span> <a class="linklike" onclick="toggle_att_menu(this)" href="#">condition</a> </div> <div class="search-attribute hide-list" data-attr="condition"> <ul class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox"/> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox"/> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox"/> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox"/> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox"/> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox"> <label> <input name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox"/> damaged </label> </li> </ul> </div> 

You are not using unique IDs for your elements - it's better to use classes for repeated elements. Anyway, you probably want something like that:

 /* function toggle_att_menu(x,y,z) { var att_list = document.getElementById(x); var plus = document.getElementById(y); var minus = document.getElementById(z); att_list.style.display = ((att_list.style.display!='block')?'block':'none'); plus.style.display = ((plus.style.display!='none')?'none':'inline'); minus.style.display = ((minus.style.display!='inline')?'inline':'none'); } */ function toggle_att_menu(element) { var parent = element.parentElement.parentElement; var att_list = parent.querySelector(".att-list"); var plus = parent.querySelector(".plus"); var minus = parent.querySelector(".minus"); att_list.style.display = ((att_list.style.display!='block')?'block':'none'); plus.style.display = ((plus.style.display!='none')?'none':'inline'); minus.style.display = ((minus.style.display!='inline')?'inline':'none'); } 
 <div class="search-attribute hide-list" data-attr="condition"> <div class="title linklike"> <span id="plus-1" class="plus">&#9656;</span><span id="minus-1" class="minus">&#9662;</span><a id="link-1" onclick="toggle_att_menu(this)" href="#"> condition </a> </div> <ul id="att-list-1" class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_1" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox"/> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_2" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox"/> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_3" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox"/> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_4" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox"/> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_5" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox"/> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_1_6" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox"/> damegaed </label> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="search-attribute hide-list" data-attr="condition"> <div class="title linklike"> <span id="plus-2" class="plus" >&#9656;</span><span id="minus-2" class="minus">&#9662;</span> <a id="link-2" onclick="toggle_att_menu(this)" href="#">condition</a> </div> <ul id="att-list-2" class="att-list"> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_1" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="1" type="checkbox"/> new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_2" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="2" type="checkbox"/> like new </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_3" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="3" type="checkbox"/> excellent </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_4" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="4" type="checkbox"/> good </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_5" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="5" type="checkbox"/> fair </label> </li> <li class="checkbox "> <label> <input id="condition_2_6" name="condition" class="multi_checkbox" value="6" type="checkbox"/> damaged </label> </li> </ul> </div> 

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