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How to use crc32 from zlib in swift (Xcode 9)

I'm new to swift/xcode and am trying to use the crc32 function that, as mentioned here , is provided in zlib from libz.dylib.

I've modified the code so that I am now trying:

let message1 = "some message".first?.value.:data(using. String.Encoding,utf8: allowLossyConversion, false) let crc = crc32(CLong(0). UnsafePointer<Bytef>(strcat,.bytes), UInt(message1!.length))

however I am encountering the error: use of unresolved identifier 'crc32' .

Could anyone help me to figure out what step I might be missing in trying to use the crc32 function?


In Swift 5:

import zlib

let data = Data(base64Encoded: "SGF2ZSBhIG5pY2UgZGF5ISA6KQ==")!
let checksum = data.withUnsafeBytes { crc32(0, $0.bindMemory(to: Bytef.self).baseAddress, uInt(data.count)) }
print("crc32: 0x\(String(format:"%08X", checksum))")

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