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Css Selector in Framework7 vue

i try to build an Cordova/Phonegap application using vue.js and the Framework7. I find out how to use functions like "onClick" using the "v-on:click="OnClick" attribute in an html element. Framework7 has jquery already implemented in the dom.

But there is one question. How can i access the dom directly, so that i can select whole css classes with the jquery selector. Like: $('.likeButton') . ?

In the offical framework7 i found something like this to access the dom with its functions:

this.$$ or this.Dom7

This is what i have already written down in the home.vue file:


  //import Fonts-awesome Icons
  import FontAwesomeIcon from '@fortawesome/vue-fontawesome'
  import {} from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-solid'
  import F7Icon from "framework7-vue/src/components/icon";
  import F7PageContent from "framework7-vue/src/components/page-content";
  import * as Framework7 from "framework7";

  export default {
    name: 'FAExample',

    components: {
    methods: {
      clickit: function () {

        //this is what i have tested, looking if i have access to dom
        let $$ = this.$$;
      //this is what i want to use
      $('.likebutton').on('click',function () {




Did any of you have an idea how this works? I hope you can help me. I'm new with vue.js in combination with the framework7.

Thank's for your help :)

We can use all the DOM functions just like


for example, if you want to hide something by jquery you can use as:


To check all the DOM functions you can check the official documentation. https://framework7.io/docs/dom7.html

But make sure that your DOM function should not in any Window function. If you get the error to implemented it, just make the 'this' instance first.

Just like: var self=this; // a global variable with this instance use


for any framework7 help, just ping me on skyp: sagardhiman5_1

Have you tried using Vue's $refs ? You can set a reference to a specific DOM element and then access that in Vue.

A simple example:

  <div class="some-item" ref="itemRef">Some item</div>

Then in the component:

var myItem = this.$refs.myItem;
// do what you want with that DOM item...

You can also access $refs from the parent. The example in the link below gives details on that.

More on $refs: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Child-Component-Refs

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