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How to use an enum in an Angular Component

My Angular Components tend to have a global state (or "mode") so I am looking for a way to code this efficiently. What I tried to do is this:

export class AbcComponent implements OnInit {

  enum State {
    init, view, edit, create, wait
  state: State = State.init;

The idea is that the functions inside AbcComponent can drive the template's operation simply by setting the state property. For example:

<div class="col" *ngIf="state === State.view"> ... </div>

The problem is that the enum definition cannot appear inside the class structure. And then if I move it outside the class structure then the template doesn't have it within its local scope.

Is there a different way to do this?

PS If it is of any interest what I have been doing is I have several boolean properties, one for each state. For example modeInit modeView etc. It works but it is clumsy because only one should be true at a time.

You can define the State enum outside of the class, possibly in another file:

export enum State {

and assign the enum to a public field in the class:

import { State } from "../models/app-enums.model";

export class AbcComponent implements OnInit {
  public StateEnum = State;
  public state = State.init;

That public field can then be used to refer to the enum in the template:

<div class="col" *ngIf="state === StateEnum.view"> ... </div>

You can define a method or getter and compare your current state value with the enum already imported. Like this:

import { State } from "../models/state-enum.ts";

export class AbcComponent implements OnInit {
  private state: State = State.init;
  get isView() {
    return this.state === State.view;


<div *ngIf="isView">Oh is view!</div>

You could also use declaration merging to make the enum available as a static member of the component.

export class AbcComponent implements OnInit {
    state = AbcComponent.State.init;

export namespace AbcComponent {
    export enum State {
        init, view, edit, create, wait

and then access it in the template from the constructor field

<div class="col" *ngIf="state === constructor.State.view"> ... </div>

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