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MS Access: Make Form show only records from last 48HS

I am using MS Access and I have a table called tblLogs , it contains all the logs and a field called logDate . I have created a form in which I need to show the data from tblLogs , but only the records from the last two days . My question is: what are my options?

I've been doing some research and tried making a query which retrieves the data I need from last 2 days, but after doing it I realized there wasn't an easy way to bind query content to a Control (a text box in this case). Another option that came to mind was somehow setting an automatic filter that is triggered when you open the form (don't know how to do it yet), but I don't know if that would be convenient.

So, I'm all ears guys

在表单属性中,将Filter On Load设置为Yes并将Filter

logDate >= DateAdd('h', -48, Now())

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