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How to render the contents of angular variables inside ng-bind-html

I'm taking a HTML content to the front end javascript code, from the database which was saved as varchar. It is stored in a variable called vm.htmlContent And then I want to display this string type HTML content again as HTML in my web page. I use ng-bind-html angular directive for doing this. My HTML content which is stored in vm.htmlContent variable is:

<p> Date: </ p> <p> Time: </ p> <p> Venue: </ p>

The current javascript code for this is looks like:

    ng bind-html="vm.htmlContent">

the output in the web page is:


I want to add Date,Time and venue from other angular variables inside this ng-bind-html. The date,time and venue variables are vm.date , vm.time and vm.venue and they keep the relevant data clearly. Is there a way to do this without spiting the string content in vm.htmlContent variable ?

A few .replace() calls would be a fairly straight-forward way of getting those variables in there:

vm.getReplacedContent = () => {
  return vm.htmlContent
    .replace('Date:', `Date: ${vm.date}`)
    .replace('Time:', `Time: ${vm.time}`)
    .replace('Venue:', `Venue: ${vm.venue}`)

<div ng-bind-html="vm.getReplacedContent()"></div>

Though I'm not experienced with angular, and I'm not sure if the HTML will automatically update doing things this way. If it doesn't update, instead of a function, you might have to use another scope variable and $watch the vm.htmlContent variable to update it.

Try this way by using replace

 angular.module("myApp", []).controller("myCtrl", function($scope,$sce) { $scope.date="03/07/2018"; $scope.time="1.00 PM"; $scope.venue="US" $scope.myTexts = "<p> Date: </ p> <p> Time: </ p> <p> Venue: </ p>"; var replacedData = $scope.myTexts.replace("Date:","Date:" + $scope.date).replace("Time:","Time:" + $scope.time).replace("Venue:","Venue: " + $scope.venue); $scope.myText = $sce.trustAsHtml(replacedData); }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.6.4/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl"> <p ng-bind-html="myText"></p> </div> 

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