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Excel VBA AutoFilter Percentages

I want to filter a list of industries by using their growth rate as criteria. At the end, I want my sheet just showing industries growing >= 10%.

The data I want to filter is in Tabelle1 Column 10 and is shown as percentage. Furthermore, I have stated my criteria 10% (Which should stay variable) on Tabelle2 Cell B3. However, after exectuing the follwing code it is showing me all industries with a growth rate >= 0%.

Does anyone know why and how I can adjust it to my needs?

Sub AutoFilter()
Dim Bereich As Range
Dim Variable As Long

Set Bereich = Tabelle1.UsedRange
Variable = Tabelle2.Range("B3").Value

Bereich.AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=">=" & Variable

End Sub

Thank you :)

Your variable needs to be at least float if not double, because eg 12% equals 0.12 .

And .AutoFilter property seems to always expect 'en-US' locale values thus the following code should work:

Sub AutoFilter()
    Dim Bereich As Range, Variable As Double

    Set Bereich = Tabelle1.UsedRange
    Variable = Tabelle2.Range("B3").Value

    Bereich.AutoFilter Field:=10, Criteria1:=">=" & Replace(Variable, ",", ".")
End Sub

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