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Mock a component method with spy, karma and jasmine

I have this kind of error during my tests :

ERROR: 'Error during cleanup of component'

I located the origin in :


I need to mock methodCallToMock() which is a method of the same component, for it to return false and do nothing else.

My test file :

describe('ChatWindowComponent', () => {
  let component: ChatWindowComponent;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<ChatWindowComponent>;
  let spy: any;

  const MockMessageService = {
    getMessages: (i: string) => Observable.of([]),

  const MockSocketIoService = {
    onTyping: () => Observable.of({}),
    onStoppedTyping: () => Observable.of({}),
    onNewMessage: () => Observable.of({}),
    onReadConfirmation: () => Observable.of({}),
    onReceptConfirmation: () => Observable.of({}),

  const MockUserService = {
    getCurrentUserFromLocalStorage: () => '',

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      imports: [MaterializeModule, FormsModule],
      declarations: [ChatWindowComponent],
      schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
      providers: [Logger,
        {provide: SocketioService, useValue: MockSocketIoService},
        {provide: MessageService, useValue: MockMessageService},
        {provide: UserService, useValue: MockUserService}],

  beforeEach(() => {
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ChatWindowComponent);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;

  afterEach(() => {
    component = null;

  it('should create', () => {
    spy = spyOn(component, 'methodCallToMock').and.returnValue(false);

I tried several approach like :

  it('should create', () => {
    spy = spyOn(component, 'methodCallToMock').and.returnValue(false);

But same error, how can I correct this error ?

Found the solution which was really simple...

Just add the method signature to the service mock like that :

  const MockSocketIoService = {
    methodCallToMock() {
    onTyping: () => Observable.of({}),
    onStoppedTyping: () => Observable.of({}),
    onNewMessage: () => Observable.of({}),
    onReadConfirmation: () => Observable.of({}),
    onReceptConfirmation: () => Observable.of({}),

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