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Generating html report in workspace with Taurus and Performance plugin in Jenkins

I am using Taurus with Performance plugin to run my Jmeter tests in Jenkins. Although I get the Performance report in Jenkins but I am not getting an html file generated in the workspace which I can send in the email body as report. Currently in the email I am just sending a link to the report but I do not want users to click on the link to go to the Jenkins Performance report, I need the report in the email body. Please let me know if there is any way to get the html report in the email body or convert aggregate_report.xml file to html in the workspace?

Thanks in Advance !

You can convert .xml result file into HTML using ie JMeter Ant Task

  1. Configure your JMeter result file to end with .jtl rather than with .xml , ie aggregate_report.jtl
  2. Configure Jenkins to convert .jtl into .html using aforementioned Ant task by adding the next Jenkins pipeline step:

     node { dir('/path/to/jmeter/extras') { bat "ant -Dtest=aggregate_report xslt-report" step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'aggregate_report.html', fingerprint: true]) } } 

More information: Running a JMeter Test via Jenkins Pipeline - A Tutorial

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